Doctor issues stark warning about popping certain spots that could make you go blind

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Dr Suraj Kukadia, an NHS doctor, has warned that picking a very specific type of zit can be quite dangerous and may even result in blindness. Here’s how to know if you have one

Squeezing zits is the ultimate guilty pleasure – but one doctor has issued a stark warning against popping a certain type of spot.

While these may seem harmless at first, Dr Suraj Kukadia – dubbed Dr Sooj – unveiled that tampering with them can not only cause infections but even blindness. That’s why it’s vital to look out for the early signs and head to a GP when necessary.

Taking to TikTok (@doctorsooj), the NHS medic explained: “This is a chalazion and it’s caused by a blockage or an inflammation around the opening of an oil gland at the base of your eyelashes, and this can lead to a fluid filled swelling that can be felt as a small lump.

“And if there are any signs of an infection, please do not try and burst it yourself, like they are in this video. Because you risk spreading a possible infection and you may even lose your eyesight.” Dr Sooj drew to one video in particular, with a woman jabbing a huge lump below her eye using a cotton wool bud.

Chalazions look quite similar to styes – another type of red lump that can form inside the eyelid or around the eye. Although both last for around two weeks, styes are far more painful and sore, while chalazions are generally painless.

Infected eyelash roots also usually cause styes to form, while chalazions develop further back in the lid- so, their location is quite telling. Dr Sooj continued: “In some circumstances, a chalazion can develop into a stye.

“Now, most people can treat these themselves at home and you can do that by soaking a clean cotton wool ball or a clean flannel in fairly hot – but definitely not scalding – water. And then, press this gently but firmly against your closed eyes for five to ten minutes. And then repeat that three or four times in a day.”

To steer clear of any strange spots, Dr Sooj also claimed that cleaning your eyelids twice a day will do the trick. You can do this using the hot flannel technique, according to the NHS.

If you’re worried you may have a chalazion, the NHS also recommends looking out for the following symptoms.

Signs of a chalazion:

  • Lump on an eyelid – can come in various sizes
  • Mild pain or irritation, particularly if it has just started – this usually settles
  • There is a chance of infection
  • Sight is not affected

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