Dog experts urge owners to watch out for ‘red flag’ behaviour this summer

By Staff

Now that summer is upon us, dog owners will likely be spending more time outside with their beloved pets – but experts says there’s a behaviour owners should be looking out for when their pooches are soaking up the sun

With summer now here, many Brits and their pooches will be spending more time outdoors, soaking up some much-needed sunshine.

But, dog diet advisers at PetLab Co urge owners to watch out for one particular red flag behaviour that’s dangerously easy to miss.

Believe it or not, this behaviour is munching on grass. While occasional or small amounts of grass consumption is nothing to worry about, excessive grass eating could be the symptom of an underlying health issue.

“Most owners don’t know this but eating grass is a common behaviour across dogs with poor gut health,” a spokesperson at PetLab explained on TikTok (@petlabco). “If their skin is itchy and they lick their paws, then your dog’s weird need to eat grass could be an instinctive behaviour to attempt combatting the bad bacteria behind their itching.”

In 2008, scientists established that plant eating is a relatively normal behaviour among dogs, wolves and other wild animals too. In fact, their poll found that 79% of pet owners had noticed their pups doing this.

However, according to Berthoud Animal Hospital, dogs also increase their grass munching when experiencing stomach discomfort or a bug. Surprisingly, grass often has more fibre than legumes, so eating it helps settle the stomach by bringing down the pH.

“Some dogs will also eat grass because they have a diet deficiency,” experts at the hospital also say. “This means that a dog is not getting enough vitamins and minerals in their diet.

“This can occur when dogs have a medical condition or are not eating good quality dog food. If you are concerned that your dog may have a diet deficiency, then it is a good idea to consult with your vet.”

In order to differentiate between normal and concerning habits, experts therefore advise looking out for some other key warnings that may accompany the grass binging. This includes a reluctance to eat certain foods – potentially triggering a deficiency – or even frequent vomiting and diarrhoea.

Aside from this, it’s also important to be cautious of what chemicals are used on the grass, as pesticides are severely toxic to dogs. The hospital adds: “Pet owners should monitor their dogs’ grass intake and be aware of any unusual behaviours or symptoms that may indicate an underlying health issue.”

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