‘I was detained in Dubai for two months over an Instagram post- it was horrible’

By Staff

A British actress, known for her roles in Bollywood and Waterloo Road, alleges she was held in Dubai following a post she made on social media. Londoner Sofia Hayat, a 39-year-old actress who has appeared in Big Brother India, found herself in hot water during a week-long trip abroad.

After falling out with someone she claims borrowed money from her, Sofia threatened to reveal their conduct on Instagram. Her actions, however, caused unimaginable repercussions. Upon trying to leave the UAE, Sofias passport was confiscated by police who then detained her for questioning. She claims six hours in a cell and another six of interrogation followed.

Sofia had unintentionally violated stern laws revolving around defamatory comments on social media. With nowhere to go having been instructed to stay in Dubai without her passport, Sofia was forced into Airbnb rentals for two months. The Battersea-based Londoner was eventually permitted to return home, avoiding fines or imprisonment, after appearing before a judge.

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However, Sofia states her enforced extended period in the UAE cumulatively set her back £20,000. As an aside, she purportedly lost an identical amount in earnings as spiritual healer while she was away.

Now safely back in the UK, Sofia said: “Dubai is actually a hell hole. I expected a modern country full of glamour, wealth and all the amazing things it appears to be on Instagram and TikTok. That’s all a lie. I’ll never go back.”

She described her experience: “Being held like that is horrible. I was heartbroken and it was extremely lonely. I was constantly cancelling clients because I couldn’t go home and worried all the time that I’d lose them. I couldn’t book a long-term place to stay because I had no idea how long I’d have to be there.”

Sofia claims she had ‘no idea’ she had committed the crime until she contacted the public prosecutor. The ordeal impacted her health, giving her trouble sleeping.

Sofia, who flew to Dubai from London on December 28 last year for what was supposed to be a seven-day trip, found herself in a nightmare situation. Instead of enjoying the remainder of her stay in Dubai, she attempted to head to Saudi Arabia to ring in the New Year with another mate.

However, her plans were abruptly halted at Dubai International Airport where she faced interrogation by up to five officers, according to her account. Describing the conditions of her detention, Sofia said the cell was “freezing, dirty, and small”. She recounted how her phone was seized, leaving her unable to contact anyone, though after six hours she managed to text a friend.

“They just threw me in a cell – they didn’t tell me anything,” Sofia expressed her frustration. “When I asked what was going on, the policeman just told me to ‘shut up’.” The experience was harrowing for Sofia, who described having panic attacks and being in a state of shock and tears during the questioning.

Sofia alleges that the police accused her of ‘trying to reveal a sex tape’, which she denied. Ultimately, she was released, but authorities barred her from leaving the country. She said: “Eventually I coped by meditating – I just imagined myself in London laughing about being detained in Dubai.”

Sofia was shelling out £250 a week for Airbnbs and had to check in at the police station twice a week, she explained. After two months, she was informed by the public prosecutor that threatening to post someone’s name on social media is a crime in Dubai, she revealed.

She indicated that the penalty for her actions could be a two-year jail term or a fine of £50,000. She recalled how at a hearing the judge authorised her release after it was mentioned that money was owed. However, she’s unsure of the exact proceedings of the hearing because it was conducted in Arabic, she admits. Thereafter, she was given no penalty and her passport was returned, she asserts.

She ended up paying a £400 charge at the Dubai airport for overstaying her visa, she told us, and flew back to the UK on February 26. “I think the only reason I got out is because I have a British passport and I’m an ex Bollywood actress,” she suggested. The British Embassy in Dubai did not respond when asked for a comment.

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