Man slams girlfriend for ‘weird’ tea bag habit – but Brits say ‘everyone does it’

By Staff

A man has ridiculed his girlfriend after discovering a rather odd tea-making habit he’d never seen before – however, thousands of Brits fought back, saying it’s a standard procedure in their household

Britain’s beloved brews are often at the centre of some bizarre debates.

While the nation comes together through the unifying cuppa, our individual preferences vary. Some love a milky brew with sugar, while others will only sip a strong Yorkshire Tea served in a giant Sports Direct Mug.

If you’re a household of tea drinkers, you may also dump your used tea bag in a little bowl/GU pudding pot/saucer to skip a two-second trip to the bin. However, when one boyfriend discovered his girlfriend’s dumping pot, he was left absolutely baffled.

Taking to TikTok, couple Jess and Harry accidentally ignited a fiery debate over whether a tea bag dumping pot is a must-have across the nation. “Is anyone else’s girlfriend this weird?” Harry asked in a recent video, showing a small bowl filled with used tea bags.

“I don’t know anyone who puts their tea bags in a cup next to a kettle,” he added. “I mean, the compost bin is right there. [All] you have to do is turn around, literally do a 360, and the bin is there… I walked in and there’s about 3,000 tea bags in the cup.”

Jess fought back, arguing that “everyone” does the exact same thing, including her cousin and parents. It wasn’t long until the comments section was flooded with viewers sharing their thoughts – with the majority agreeing with Jess.

“Yes, everyone does this,” one person wrote. Another agreed, commenting: “We do! I call it the Tea making station because our bin is at the other side of the kitchen and I’d end up with a trail of tea from the kettle to the bin otherwise.” A third added: “We have a little glass GU dish for tea bags.” While a fourth penned: “Everyone [does it], my aunty is 96 and she’s always done this.”

However, a few viewers sided with Harry, saying they put their tea bags ‘straight in the bin’. “Put it in the bin and clean the spoon right away. It takes five seconds,” one person said. Another added: “Straight in the bin for me. Clean spoon each time.”

Do you have a tea bag dumping pot? Let us know in the comments section below.

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