Millions of people on these benefits could get energy bill help before price cap change – full list

By Staff

A number of benefits are available to help Brits struggling with their energy bills – and you may be eligible for support including financial payments or help with debt

The cost of living continues to squeeze wallets across the nation, with energy bills being a major concern for millions in the UK.

Despite Ofgem’s confirmation that the energy price cap will drop to £1,568 from July 1 – a total reduction of £122 compared to the current cap of £1,690 – the financial burden remains. However, there are numerous strategies available to alleviate the financial stress of energy bills.

Those claiming certain benefits may be eligible for additional support with their bills. This ranges from financial payments to debt assistance.

Read more: Households can get free cost of living supermarket vouchers worth £75 – how to claim

If you’re finding it difficult to cover your energy bills, the government advises reaching out to Citizens Advice as your initial step. They can be contacted on 0808 223 1133.

Most of the aid for benefit claimants comes in the form of heating support during the chillier months of the year, including Cold Weather Payments and Winter Fuel Payments.The Winter Fuel Payment is accessible to those claiming the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit or potentially another benefit if their home has high energy costs.

On the other hand, Cold Weather Payments are available for those claiming:

  • Pension Credit
  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit

The Fuel Direct Scheme could also be a viable option for paying off your energy debt via your benefits. This scheme deducts a fixed amount from your benefit payments to help settle what you owe.

To qualify for the Fuel Direct Scheme, you must be claiming one of the following benefits:

  • Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance.
  • Income Support.
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance.
  • Pension Credit.
  • Universal Credit.

It’s crucial to remember that Universal Credit claimants who are employed will only be eligible if their earnings are less than their work allowance.

Assistance from local council

Depending on where you reside, different forms of aid may be available. For instance, some councils are providing vouchers to assist with bills through the Household Support Fund.

However, the fund’s usage varies among councils, so you’ll need to contact them directly to see what support they’re offering through the fund and whether you’re eligible – not all councils require you to be claiming benefits to receive help.

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