‘My wife left me in tears on Father’s Day – what she did truly blindsided me’

By Staff

A married man has told how the ‘out of character’ actions of his wife left him in tears on Father’s Day – and he’s still recovering from the shock of it

A married man has told how he was left ‘blindsided’ by his wife, with her actions leaving him in floods of tears on Father’s Day.

After admitting he’d been left ‘shocked and stunned’ the day before when she made him breakfast on his birthday, something he admitted she hadn’t done for him in close to a decade, he told how Father’s Day the next day had turned into a truly tearful time.

He said: “We went to my in-laws to hang out and celebrate Father’s Day. We got home and she gave me my present : a nice pair of new earbuds, which I was thrilled about because I’d needed new ones for months. It was great!”

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He continued: “Today on Father’s Day I didn’t expect much, especially after my wife had said that the exciting gift was my headphones. I was thrilled with them and I felt spoiled actually!”

However, after driving to Target to pick up a collection, which he believed was cleaning supplies so they could deep clean the house, he admitted he couldn’t believe what he saw when the items were delivered to their car.

He said: “We were sitting in the car and the guy walked out with our stuff. I see a PS5 and just start shouting no. My wife is cackling trying to cover my eyes. The guy bringing our stuff is smiling and laughing and I’m still just repeating no no no.”

After admitting he doesn’t usually like surprises, he said: “I don’t like to be spoiled. I’m a simple man. I was so happy and overwhelmed and surprised I couldn’t control the tears coming out of my eyes. I felt so spoiled and grateful for my awesome wife and family!”

After telling his tearful tale on Reddit, readers were quick to applaud his wife: “Damn, made me tear up too,” said one. “This is beautiful. I’m currently enjoying a great Father’s Day being by myself. I texted my wife saying I want this every Father’s Day lol!”

Another said: “Life is good sometimes. Gotta take the good as it comes,” while one reader admitted to the same good luck: “My wife surprised me with the new Zelda edition switch. Sounds like we got some good women!”

One father congratulated his good fortune while admitting to not having such a great day himself: “That’s awesome, congrats! On the flip side, my wife is laying in bed all day, ignoring me and our 2-year-old. So that’s fun.”

“You should keep her.”

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