This Morning’s dating guru issues defiant message after catching fiancé cheating

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Michelle Elman, 30, is not only a life coach and author, but she’s commonly known as being This Morning’s dating expert. Her romance fell apart this year when she admitted her fiancé was caught cheating on her

This Morning’s dating expert has thrown herself back into dating after she discovered her fiancé was cheating on her.

Michelle Elman, 30, is known on social media for being both a life coach and author. Many of us will also recognise her for dishing out the rules of romance on ITV’s This Morning.

Despite dedicating her life to learning about love and relationships, earlier this year she appeared on the show to open up about her own problems. She told hosts, Cat Deeley and Ben Shephard, she discovered her partner had cheated on her after receiving a message from a woman on social media.

The woman had read Michelle’s books, and followed her account, but soon realised something about the man in her life. Michelle met her ex, who she choses not to name, after the pandemic and they had been together for three years before it all came crashing down.

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Before she uncovered the secret, the couple had been looking for rings, and planning their wedding. Michelle said there were no red flags before it happened, and she thought he was the “love of her life”.

Despite being an expert in the field, Michelle said “if someone wants to lie to you, they will.” No matter how experienced you are at trying to deal with love, it turns out anyone can get burned.

When asked what life has been like since appearing on the show, Michelle said: “The last few weeks have been a rollercoaster. A lot of the shock has faded now. It’s been a little more normal. I’m doing very well, but I have all the tools to be able to do very well.

“When people go through a break-up, there are things you can do to help you cope.”

One of the pros of this happening at this point in her life is her age. Michelle admitted she feels a lot different now than she did when she was in her 20s, and she feels she’s learnt a lot more about both relationships and who she is.

The life coach also said it’s “different” being single now. She’s grown up a lot in the past three years, and she thinks this has played a part in helping to heal her heartbreak.

“It’s easier. 100%,” she added. “I’m 30, but I know myself now. I wouldn’t have been like that as a teenager.”

On the flipside, Michelle said 30 is also an age that often gets associated with milestones, like having babies and getting married. At least, according to society.

For single women in their 30s, Michelle’s message is clear – a man shouldn’t determine your worth, or how you feel about yourself. You can chose to design your own path to happiness.

She said: “Why does a man determine if I’m good enough or validate my worth? These are the sorts of things growing up that society decides to teach us.”

Luckily for Michelle, a lot of people have been “kind” to her after she shared her story. And, as part of her healing process, she admitted she’s thrown herself back into dating.

But – when it comes to mending a broken heart – she said there’s no recipe for success. Michelle claimed everyone needs to do different things to get through it – whether it be spending time alone or finding someone new.

“Saying ‘I lost the love of my life’ isn’t healthy, as the love of your life wouldn’t have done that to you,” she added. “If you break your leg, there’s breaking a leg or going ‘why did I have to be so stupid?’, and all that mental stuff.

“You can chose to control that. You don’t have to beat yourself up about it.”

In situations like this, she said you can only do what’s best for you. If you do this then you’ll put yourself on the right road to recovery.

“It’s no one size fits all,” she explained. “It wouldn’t be the same for every person. I wanted to date for different reasons. There was the reason of infidelity, but advice will depend on the individual. Really you have to do what is right for you.”

You can find out more about Michelle here.

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