Thousands of PIP claimants need to take action ahead of upcoming DWP change

By Staff

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is currently working to move people claiming PIP in Scotland onto a new devolved disability benefit called the Adult Disability Payment (ADP)

Thousands of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claimants will need to take action ahead of a major shake-up.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is currently working to move people claiming PIP in Scotland onto a new devolved disability benefit called the Adult Disability Payment (ADP). The benefit works in the same way as PIP, with the eligibility criteria, the rates paid, and the benefit terms being exactly the same. The only difference is that it is a devolved benefit and will be managed by Social Security Scotland rather than the DWP.

According to its latest figures around 172,900 people living in Scotland are receiving the disability benefit. Under the plans, all of these people will be moved onto the devolved benefit by the end of 2025. The latest figures from Social Security Scotland show that around 254,000 people are now claiming the new payment with 154,000 being existing PIP case transfers.

If you are claiming PIP now, you will not need to put in a claim for the Adult Disability Payment as you will soon be moved over automatically. When it is your turn, you will receive a letter informing you of the date when Social Security Scotland will take over providing payments.

This letter will also tell you what you should do before the move and what happens after the process is completed. When you are contacted, you should inform the DWP of any changes to your claim. This can include changes in your phone number, address or bank account, and changes to your health, disability, and needs. This is because any information you give DWP will be transferred to Social Security Scotland.

There is usually a three month window from when you are informed you are going to move until it is completed. When the move is complete, Social Security Scotland will write to you to tell you that your award has moved to ADP and will confirm how much money you will be paid.

As mentioned before, when you are moved over to Adult Disability Payment you will receive the same payments amounts as PIP. This will either be the standard rate at £72.65 a week or the enhanced at £108.55. It will also include a mobility element of £28.70 or £75.75. You can be eligible for both elements or just one, and you can be paid a combination of the rates – the maximum you can be paid sits at £184.30 a week or £737.20 a month. You can read up on the transfer from PIP to Adult Disability Payment on the Scottish Government’s website here.

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