Woman shares hacks to ‘keep safe’ in hotel room – but people aren’t so sure

By Staff

One woman shared a video on her hotel security tips to help other people with the issue. However, not everyone seems to agree that all of her ideas are that great

A lot of people worry about the safety of themselves and their belongings when staying in a hotel.

Whether it be in the UK or a travelling for a holiday abroad, a lot of people take extra measures to make sure they and their luggage are secure.

And one woman shared a video on her hotel security tips to help other people with the issue. However, not everyone seems to agree that all of her ideas are that great.

The video was shared by X (formerly Twitter) account @gunsnrosesgirl3 recently, and has since gone viral – racking up more than a staggering 54million views.

The clip sees the woman start by taking the hotel toilet roll from its holder, as the words: ‘Things I do at a hotel to stay safe’ appear on the screen.

She then turns on a tap and seals down the toilet paper. The woman doesn’t explain the reason why for this, but it presumably so you can tell if someone else has used the toilet.

Next up, she puts the ‘Do not disturb’ sign on the hotel room and bolts the doors, so that people presume someone is in the room and can’t enter. For even extra safety though, she adds a beer bottle cap on top of the handle, which would fall off and alert you if someone was trying to enter the room.

Not done there though, the woman then rolls up a towel and places it at the bottom of the door so that people outside couldn’t hear your conversation. It would also act as another deterrent for someone trying to get in to the room.

The hotel guest then recommends lifting up the corners of the bedsheet and checking under them to make sure nothing is there.

Lastly, she places her valuables, such as her keys and wallet and jewellery, into a fresh nappy before rolling it up and putting it on a shelf in the room.

Many people claimed that the measures were a bit much, as a fellow X user wrote: “Someone this paranoid shouldn’t leave their own own.” While another sarcastically quipped: “I do this and also sleep in my car to throw the potential intruder’s off.”

Someone else said: “Usually just put my bags down, turn on the tv and get ready for a shower. But, this works too, I guess.” While another talked about the bedsheet hack in particular, writing: “The sheet thing….let me tell you, there’s some things I’d rather not know and what a hotel mattress looks like is one of them.”

Many others weren’t keen on the nappy hack too, saying it was likely to get your valuables thrown away. One person said: “Hopefully some nice cleaning lady isn’t like ‘I’ll throw away that used diaper for these people.'” While another agreed: “Keeping your valuables in a diaper seems like a good way to get them thrown away.”

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