Alton Towers Nemesis Reborn: People queue over four hours for UK’s newest rollercoaster

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Nemesis Reborn opened at Alton Towers on Saturday after a 16-month revamp – and fans at the Staffordshire park proved their dedication to the rollercoaster by queuing for huge chunks of time to experience it for the first time

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First look at new Nemesis Reborn ride at Alton Towers

Thrill-seekers queued for a staggering four and a half hours to ride the UK’s newest rollercoaster – but said it was worth every minute they spent in line.

Alton Towers has spent the last 16 months completely revamping its famous Nemesis ride – which today reopened as Nemesis Reborn to coincide with the first day of the Stoke-on-Trent park’s 2024 season.

Fans travelled across the UK to try out the ride – which reaches 81 mph with G-force of +3.5G. But those desperate to try out the loops and corkscrews had a long old wait, with queue times reaching a massive four and a half hours.

Just an hour after it opened this morning, the line stretched way out of the official queuing area and snaked around the rest of the park.

But the dedicated fans were more than happy to wait and there was an unmissable buzz of excitement around the park. Ian Barlow, from Rotherham, said: “It’s definitely going to be worth it, we thought it would be five or six hours. It’s the longest we’ve ever queued for a ride. We came on the day it closed and we’ve come back the day it’s opening. I’m most excited for the big loop.”

And after braving Nemesis Reborn, people were more than happy. Rayne Darmer, who travelled from Glasgow to ride Nemesis Reborn on opening day, said: “It was definitely worth the wait. It’s so smooth now. I used to get really, really head bashed when I was on it before but it’s not like that any more.”

Meanwhile Gary Oliver, from Manchester, said he actually really enjoyed the two and a half hours he spent in the queue.

He tells The Mirror: “For me the best bit was actually the queue. I know that sounds really daft, but the whole queue is now just a complete experience in itself because you see the views of the ride and you get to know a bit of the back story.It’s the payoff for nearly two years of story telling and it’s just absolutely fantastic.”

His friend Ryan Tyrer agrees, adding: “Years ago you couldn’t go round the back end of it, where the turnaround is for the loop. It’s an amazing view from there.”

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