Banish ‘stubborn moss marks on paving’ using 35p kitchen staple

By Staff

With the winter we’ve had to endure, it’s likely moss will have found its way in-between your garden patio slabs – and stained them a horrible green. Luckily, there’s an easy to way to lift the stubborn stain without spending a fortune

Spring is just around the corner – and it’s time to get back into the garden.

Whilst the weather hasn’t drastically improved in recent weeks, it’s gradually getting better – and there are a bunch of gardening tasks that need doing in preparation for summer. If you’ve noticed moss growing in garden, it may be a sign of poor drainage.

Luckily, you can remove moss and any stubborn marks they leave behind on your patio using a 35p kitchen staple.. Gardening expert Gregory Smith at says a simple solution of water and vinegar should be enough to lift any green stains. “Create a mixture consisting of one part white vinegar and one part water,” he said.

“Place this mixture in a spray bottle so you can easily apply the mixture over the entire area. Spray the mixture over the affected area and leave it to sit there. Then, scrub the space with a stiff brush before hosing it off.”

You can pick Distilled White Vinegar up from a slew of supermarkets including Tesco – which is currently selling a 668ml bottle for 35p. If you’re looking for a bigger stock, Ocado is flogging a five litre carton for £6.80.

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Now is also a good time to mow your lawn, but British horticulturist Monty Don warns you should not cut it ‘too short’. “Just give it a light trim for the rest of this month,” he said in his eponymously named blog, “This will encourage good root growth and, as a result, the grass will be a lot healthier and better able to resist summer drought.”

The TV presenter added that the key to a good lawn is ‘very well-drained soil’. This may require you to ‘stick a fork in the ground and wiggle it about’ to loosen up matted roots. You should repeat this process for every six inches of lawn.

Then, mix up equal portions of sieved topsoil, sharp sand and sieved leaf mould or compost and spread it across the area you have picked with a ‘stiff broom’. If you have neither of these, sharp or silver sand should suffice.

Have you tried the hack? Let us know if it worked for you in the comments section below

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