British Transport Police head of standards used R-word and liked tweets by porn accounts

By Staff

The man in charge of holding British Transport Police officers to account referred to a reality TV programme as ‘r****d bore’ and liked a post that demeaned women who are ‘a handful’. Detective Superintendent Peter Fulton, BTP’s Head of Professional Standards Department (PSD), was given formal reflective practice after a complaint about social media activity dating back to 2011.

In his role as head of PSD, Det Supt Fulton has starred in social media videos about misconduct and rogue officers, including TikTok videos like ‘Ever wondered how we tackle unacceptable behaviour at British Transport Police?’ and another video in which he explains the levels of misconduct from ‘foolish or a little bit silly’ to criminal behaviour.

When a BTP officer was sacked for inappropriate behaviour in 2022, DS Fulton said ‘there’s absolutely no place for sexualised or discriminatory behaviour within British Transport Police’. After another sacking that year, he said ‘tackling inappropriate sexual behaviour is BTP’s number one priority’ and ‘police officers are expected to behave with integrity whether they are on or off duty’.

READ MORE: 12 London BTP officers in WhatsApp probe over ‘misogynistic’ chat found after ‘domestic violence’ arrest

Having made these comments, DS Fulton found himself in the spotlight after a complaint was made about his historic Twitter activity in August 2023. It sparked a review of three social media posts in line with the Complaints and Misconduct Regulatory Framework, but the issue was not found to meet the threshold for misconduct and DS Fulton was not subject to misconduct proceedings.

The Twitter activity seen by MyLondon, shows DS Fulton – who worked at Surrey Police for 24 years – tweeted ‘Geordie shore more like r****d bore’ and ‘Don’t you hate it when two women in cheap polyester outfits sit next to you and laugh at each other’s anecdotes’. Both Tweets were made in 2011 while DS Fulton was a DCI at Surrey Police before he left for BTP in February 2020.

On his public account, DS Fulton also liked a string of posts about women, including ‘If you’re going to be a handful, be this kind of handful (with photo of a woman lowering her shorts to expose her bottom)’, ‘Being a bit or fashioned it’s good to see an female officer in a white shirt and skirt – even if the shirt has pockets”, and ‘Men are doing Movember, women should do Fanuary’.

DS Fulton also liked posts by cuckold porn accounts. A cuckold fetish is when one partner is complicit in, and derives pleasure from, their other half cheating.

MyLondon understands the investigation was led by a Chief Officer supported by a ‘PSD subject matter expert’ – not DS Fulton – and was later reviewed by the British Transport Police Authority, which deemed reflective practice to be ‘reasonable and proportionate’.

A BTP spokesperson told MyLondon: “BTP have a proven track record in standing up against discrimination but where, dependent on gravity, an officer or member of staff is able to properly reflect and learn from the experience we take the view that where appropriate transformative experience plays an equally important role in the longer-term fight against discrimination.”

It comes after MyLondon last week revealed 12 BTP officers are under internal investigation after an offensive WhatsApp group was discovered during the arrest of an officer for an alleged domestic violence incident. One officer has been restricted to desk-duties, while 11 officers are suspended from the force. A police source said the messages were ‘abusive, malicious and misogynistic’.

‘Matter was taken extremely seriously’

Responding to DS Fulton’s behaviour, Deputy Chief Constable Alistair Sutherland said: “In August 2023, as a result of a complaint, we were made aware of social media activity posted in 2011, relating to an officer who is currently serving in British Transport Police.

“As with all complaints we receive, the matter was taken extremely seriously, and a full review of the officer’s social media account was carried out beyond the scope of the complaint.

“As a result, three social media posts were reviewed in line with the Complaints and Misconduct Regulatory Framework and the officer received an outcome of formal reflective practice. The issue did not meet the threshold for any conduct proceedings.

“Our decision making was reviewed by our governing body, the British Transport Police Authority, who were satisfied that the appropriate lines of enquiry were followed and that our outcome was reasonable and proportionate.”

Det Supt Fulton was approached for comment.

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