Check your iPhone and update it now – Apple issues important alert to all users

By Staff

If you own an iPhone it’s worth heading to your settings and downloading the latest iOS 17 update from Apple.

iPhone owners across the UK – and the rest of the world – would be wise to check their devices and install the very latest update from Apple without delay. The US technology giant has just released an important patch which it recommends all iPhone owners download as soon as possible. The update, called iOS 17.4.1 was pushed out late last night and fixes a number of software glitches and includes some vital security updates as well.

In its release notes, Apple confirmed: “This update provides important bug fixes and security updates and is recommended for all users.”

Apple only pushes out iOS changes when they are really necessary and it seems whatever the problems are they are of a big enough concern to warrant a release.

Right now, there’s no official word on what iOS 17.4.1 actually corrects or what the problems are but, if you own an iPhone, we’d still suggest installing it as soon as you can.

To get it on your iPhone simply head to Settings > General >Software Update. Once iOS 17.4.1 has been found on Apple’s servers it can then be downloaded and installed.

These updates can be large files so it’s worth making sure you are connected to Wi-Fi and not your mobile signal – that’s especially important if you don’t have unlimited data.

Your iPhone will also need to restart so only perform the install when you know you won’t be needing to send an important email or are waiting for a phone call.

Once the installation is complete your iPhone should then be fully updated and bug free.

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