Coleen Nolan admits blowing £500,000 on cigarettes in 30-a-day habit

By Staff

Loose Woman star Coleen Nolan has told how she spent more than half a million pounds on cigarettes before finally kicking the habit. The singer and presenter says she smoked up to 30 cigarettes a day for 40 years – at a cost of £14,000 a year.

Now she says she has quit the habit – and is currently 12 weeks smoke-free. The 59-year-old star was seen chain-smoking when she appeared on Celebrity Big Brother in 2017, but says she is determined to stay on the straight and narrow to improve her health and “be around as long as I can”.

And she is now calling people who still smoke to join her in quitting. Speaking to The Sun for National No Smoking Day she said: “The damage I have done over the years probably won’t repair now at my age but I can stop it getting worse and if that gives me extra years then I need to do it for my family mainly but also for me.

“I want to be around for as long as I can be. Stopping at any age can stop it getting worse.

“I am feeling the benefits already just by the fact I can breathe. I am sleeping better as well. I’m proud of myself but it’s not easy.”

Looking at the financial cost also gave her staggering pause for thought. She said: “I could have taken all my family on a first class holiday or bought a car.”

Coleen added: “Back in the day when I started it was classed as really cool but it’s not, it’s actually really antisocial, especially in this economy. They are a fortune now.

“Basically you may as well take that £20 a day or whatever it is and just set fire to it, as that is effectively what you are doing and killing yourself at the same time. During Covid I tried to stop and I got an app that tells you each day how much money you have saved by not smoking and then it gives you a yearly amount.

“At that point it was about £14,000 a year… and they have gone up massively since then. I swear to God I sat there and I thought I could have taken my whole family on a fantastic first class holiday for that. Or bought a car.

“It’s ridiculous. Since then it’s gone up by two or three pounds a pack since then so it’s probably about £18,000 a year.”

According to the NHS when you quit smoking, “good things start to happen”. It said you can begin to see almost immediate improvements to your health.

“It’s never too late to quit and it’s easier to stop smoking with the right support. Never give up giving up!” For advice on how to give up smoking visit the NHS quit smoking site here

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