Finding love is harder in your 40s than your 70s, study suggests

By Staff

It’s harder to find romance in your 40s than it is in your 70s according to a new study, with midlifers not just citing a lack of opportunities but also low confidence and health problems. More than 1,000 18–69-year-olds and 600 over 70 year olds took part in The 70 Up Study commissioned by later-life-care innovator KYN to challenge some of the biggest misunderstandings about age and ageing.

A third of the over 70s who participated in the study said their desire has not gone away with age while nearly a half are more confident about what they want from a relationship now than when they were younger. Six per cent said their libido is greater now than it was 10 years ago.

While this age group typically have fewer partners than other generations, 5% have had two or more romantic relationships in the last five years. 30% of people over the age of 70 are intimate ten or more times a month compared to 36% of 18-69 year olds.

Despite this, it is younger generations who are significantly more likely to believe that sex among older people is completely taboo than those aged 70+ (12% compared to 7%).

Identifying the growing need to support older couples who are either separated by care needs or move into a new home after a lifetime of independent living, KYN is set to train a team to support residents in maintaining their relationships. The KYN life-enrichment team has been trained to help residents experience intimacy, facilitate dates, express themselves and talk about their feelings – whether that’s supporting new relationships or helping them deal with ones in their present or past.

This includes date nights, holidays, special experiences and private time personalised to the couple.

Caroline Naidoo, Managing Director of KYN said: “Growing older doesn’t mean you lose your identity, and as a society we have a responsibility to see people of all ages as individuals, who have urges and want to live their lives to the fullest. We aim to challenge the stereotypes surrounding sex, relationships and intimacy to help older people feel more comfortable in themselves – and for younger people to accept them in this way.

“Personal experiences from older people have shone a light on their reality, highlighting the importance of supporting our residents’ relationships. We hope this study will help younger generations recognise that older people are just like any other individual and seek connections just as any person would.”

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