Freeview joins Sky with great new free channel arriving on your TV tomorrow

By Staff

More things to watch are coming to homes tomorrow with the launch of a free new channel on Sky and Freeview.

Just when you thought there were already enough things to watch on your telly, something new is launching tomorrow and it’s totally free. The GREAT! Real service is being switched on from March 20 with the team behind it promising some “exciting content” will be beamed into living rooms across the UK.

The channel, which will be available on both Sky and Freeview platforms, will include shows such as Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest Airport, Island Medics and Paddington Station 24/7. The idea behind it is that everything broadcast will show real life and all fully unscripted.

“With an array of observational series focusing on dramatic real-life events and human stories, GREAT! Real will take audiences to the heart of the action with an exciting, engaging and relatable content mix that perfectly complements our existing brands,” said Steve Hornsey, Narrative Entertainment’s VP of Movies & Entertainment.

Channel numbers and a full list of shows will be announced at launch but here are some of the things you can expect to see.

Emergency Rescue: Air, Land and Sea – Showcasing the bravery of thousands of volunteer heroes and search and rescue specialists across the UK. From the rugged Highland mountains to the enchanting Cornwall coastline, these individuals risk their lives daily to ensure the safety of others.

Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest Airport – A behind-the-scenes look at the bustling operations of London Heathrow, Britain’s largest international airport.

Paddington Station 24/7 – An inside look at the operations of one of the UK’s busiest transportation hubs, showcasing the daily challenges encountered by station staff, transport workers, emergency services, commuters, and tourists.

Medical with solid fillIsland Medics – The series offers an insight into Gilbert Bain Hospital in Shetland, the UK’s most remote medical facility.

Coast Guard Alaska – Gripping portrayal of a dedicated team of coast guard swimmers and rescue pilots who must navigate the delicate balance between their demanding professional duties and their personal lives.

Although this is good for UK homes, there is also some bad news coming later this month.

SportyStuff TV has been broadcasting action for around 12 years with viewers currently able to watch content including greyhound racing, US Motor Sport action and exciting racing from the European Rally Championships.

Sadly, from April 1 things will cease and SportyStuff TV will end its output.

“This brings to a close 12 years of service provided by the Company to shareholders and viewers,” said Kevan Moretti, SportyStuff TV’s chairman & CEO in an update on the firm’s website.

“We would especially like to thank SportyStuffTV’s production staff, presenters, guests, crew, and suppliers for their continued support throughout.

“With inevitable sadness today, there is also much to be proud of and it is regrettable that external circumstances beyond our control have brought about this closure. 2023 was the Company’s most successful year of trading, so we leave now at the top of our game.”

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