Horrifying Mother’s Day cards come with a hidden message

By Staff

Do you love your mum so much you’d happily scare the death out of her this Mother’s Day? A “horrifying” collection of Mother’s Day cards designed to encourage mums to quit smoking have been released this week.

At a quick glance the cards appear like any other on Mother’s Day – pink hues and blooming flowers. But take a second glance, and you’ll notice the abstract designs actually feature shocking images of skeletal mums smoking.

One Mumsnet user said: “I think they’ve certainly done their job in the sense of getting the anti-smoking message across. Luckily my mum’s not a smoker!”

On Reddit, one person wrote: “Creepy as..” Another joked: “Gawd don’t tell my daughter about these.”

An estimated 2.8m women smoke in the UK, according to the most recent ONS data – with thousands of those being mums. Even 50,000 mums-to-be currently smoke in England.

The cards were created by quit smoking missionaries, Riot Labs. CEO and Founder, Ben Johnson, said the company wants Brits to “stub out” the usual flowers or chocolates this year and show mums who smoke just how much they love them – by giving them a card.

He said: “Mother’s Day can be a bit sickly and far too lovey-dovey – especially from brands. We wanted to go totally against the grain and encourage people to have tough conversations with their mums who like to light up.

This isn’t about ‘shock factor’ cigarette packet images either. We asked AI to create them and the results are at first glance, stunning abstract images you’d expect to see around this time of year on greetings cards – but a really ugly truth on second glance.”

The AI-generated designs were created using Midjourney AI, and each design includes its own powerful message on the inside including:

  • Mum, I almost love you to death. Please kick the habit

  • Mum, I’ll quit loving you if you don’t quit

  • I don’t want to swap your fag ash for your ashes. Please quit Mum

  • It’s actually killing me to see you smoking, Mum

  • Mum, don’t make this Mother’s Day your last

There are a total of five card designs in the collection that go on sale today. The campaign collection, called “Morbid Mother’s Day” is released at a time where smoking remains the single greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death in the UK. Smoking kills over 120,000 people in the UK a year – more than 13 people an hour.

If you want your Mum to stop smoking, you can purchase a card for £1.99 on Riot Labs’ website: https://rioteliquid.com/collections/mothersday.

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