‘I bought a Morrisons Too Good To Go for £3 – one item was worth the price of the whole bag’

By Staff

Despite it being around since 2015, Mirror writer Danielle Kate Wroe had never tried Too Good To Go – and when she gave it a whirl, she was left gobsmacked at the variety

Too Good To Go is an app that helps customers be more eco-friendly by connecting them to restaurants and stores with surplus unsold food, meaning that you can make the most of it – for a really good price.

Everybody wants to save some money here and there, so if you could save cash, while also saving the planet – Too Good To Go is the app for you. Whether you fancy some leftover breakfast from a hotel buffet or want to try your luck at your nearest carvery, when you select a surprise bag, you have literally no idea what could be in it – but that’s half the fun.

For example, one woman paid £6.50 for an Aldi bag, and received 17 packets of button mushrooms – so when I went to collect the order I’d placed at my local Morrisons, I was hoping for a little more variety.

One thing to note about Too Good To Go bags is that you have to be fast. Order them the day before you need them, and be warned – they sell out very quickly, so you need to know what you’re after and where from. Also, the items you’re given will likely be out of date on the day of collection, or the next day at a push, so you’ll need to be able to use the items you’ll be given.

Admittedly, this is a little tough when it is a total mystery what you’re going to get. For example, if you forgo eating your evening meal because you’re hoping for some fresh veggies to cook with meat you need to use up, and you get a bag full of bakery items, you’re likely going to leave a little bit miffed.

I ordered a bag from Morrisons, which set me back just £3.09, and on the app, it reads: “Your Surprise Bag could consist of a range of fruit, veg, bread and baked goods, cakes, deli, and/or cupboard items”. I was definitely sceptical, and nervous I’d receive a bag of just one item, but also excited about what goodies would potentially await me. Collection time was between 5 and 9pm, so I headed down once I’d finished work.

Turns out I needn’t have been concerned, because the Too Good To Go bag offered great variety – and so much of it was still fresh.

What I received in my Too Good To Go bag:

  • Fresh coriander (RRP: £1.39)
  • Seedless easy peelers (RRP: £3)
  • Birds Eye Chillies (RRP: £1)
  • Seedless red grapes x 2 (RRP: £2)
  • Del Monte carrot and cucumber bags x 2 (RRP: £1.10)
  • Warburtons Farmhouse loaf (RRP: £1.30)
  • 6 Morrisons Hot Cross Buns (RRP: £1.20)
  • North Staffordshire Oatcakes (RRP: £1.15)
  • New York Bakery Co bagels (RRP: £1.89)

Overall, I received £14.03-worth of food, for just £3.09, meaning that I saved £10.94. Of course, the bread can be frozen and used as and when needed, so that’s really handy to have. And the fruit looked like it had loads of life left in it, which is fantastic.

There was so much more fresh produce than I’d anticipated, and I was really pleased with what I’d received. I felt as though there was a good mix of fruit, veg, and bread products that can be dipped into in the future. I tucked straight into one of the carrot and cucumber bags and promptly ate the grapes afterwards – they were the juiciest grapes I’d eaten in a long long time. And one item, the easy peelers, was worth the cost of the whole bag – so you can definitely say it was good value.

Now is a time that people are looking to tighten their purse strings as the price of groceries has gone up sharply in the last two years. According to the Office for National Statistics, “the overall price of food and non-alcoholic beverages rose around 25% between January 2022 and January 2024.” That’s where Too Good To Go can really step in and help to bridge the gaps for those families who may need food in their cupboards and fridges topping up but for a much cheaper price tag.
The rising price of food isn’t going to stop either, as the Institute of Grocery Distribution has predicted grocery prices will continue to grow throughout 2024. ONS also shared that 44% of adults are buying less food as a result of increases, and 91% of people researched said that their main noticeable increase in price was groceries.

While Too Good To Go was not intended to ease the cost of living crisis, rather, it was made to help save the planet, it certainly is a tool to help. And while you can’t choose what you get in the bag, from my experience, you can rest assured that the likelihood is it will be things that are genuinely useable to you in some capacity.

Once I’d picked up my items, I received a notification saying: “Hurray! You’ve started saving food! When you save a Surprise Bag, you save the C02e it would take to charge 442 phones. See what else needs rescuing”, which is really encouraging

According to Business Waste, the UK throws away around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste in a single year – even though 8.4 million people in the UK are in food poverty. Also, shockingly, a third of the food produced in the world will end up as food waste. That’s why apps like these are so important because food waste should be minimised to help us eat more healthily and to help our planet.

CEO of Too Good To Go Mette Lykke said: “Too Good To Go has become a trusted partner for global brands that share our vision that businesses can and must play a role in solving some of the world’s biggest challenges. By helping companies understand that being a force for good is also good for business, Too Good To Go is helping thousands of them have an even more positive impact on the planet”.

Food waste is also a huge contributor to global warming “because food waste releases a great deal of methane gas as it breaks down”, but Too Good To Go helps to offset this by ensuring items do not go to landfill, and they’ve ensured that over 200 million meals haven’t been wasted.

Rebecca Cranshaw, Corporate Responsibility Manager at Morrisons, added: “We’re pleased to be a partner of Too Good To Go and work together in our ongoing drive to save meals from going to waste. Since we first partnered with them in 2019, customers have benefited from our Surprise Bags and because of this, we have been able to redistribute an incredible 1,000 tonnes of food. This has saved over 2,500 tonnes of C02e emissions from going to waste – it has been a real win-win”.

And yes, it really does seem like a win-win. You get to feel good about yourself, while tucking into some delicious food that would’ve gone to waste otherwise. There’s nothing worse than the thought of all this food in the bin. These easy peelers will easily last me a week, chillis last ages and add a nice kick to many meals, and the frozen bread is literally the handiest thing to have in. I won’t need to buy any bread for weeks!

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