‘I regret giving my son a classic British name – he’s going to be bullied for life’

By Staff

Kids can be cruel when it comes to taking the Mickey out of each other but one mum has confessed her horror after discovering that her son’s name could be all the ammunition they need

A mum has opened up about her regret and horror after discovering that her son’s ‘British’ name rhymes with a horrible word and could cause him a lifetime of bullying. When it comes to naming a baby, many parents look for inspiration from members of their own family, famous people, or even something that’s happening in the news.

During their pregnancy, the mum explained that people in Britain were taking in refugees from her and her husband’s home country, and because of this, they decided to give their first child what they believed was a typical-sounding British name in homage as they were both very moved by the situation.

Sharing the story on social media, she wrote: “So my husband named our son Lester because he loved that it sounds British. I only found out that the name rhymes with something bad but it is too late. Apparently, he consulted with two friends one of them warned him but the other one was like ‘Yeah it’s okay no one makes fun of it anymore’. He didn’t warn me and I feel dumb. I didn’t realize this was bad because I didn’t grow up in the US. Ugh.”

People flocked to the comments section to let everyone know the ‘bad word’ in case they weren’t aware. One person replied: “Yep Lester the Molester. That one friend was trying to help, your husband should’ve taken the advice.” Someone else added: “I totally agree with you that the husband should have taken his friend’s advice and he should have, at the very least, out of respect for his wife and future son, mentioned that to her.

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“All that being said, I went to school with a Lester and a Chester who were both teased mercilessly being called, “name the Molester”. That was in the mid to late 80’s and personally, I think kids are still just as obnoxious today, if not more so.

“Maybe I’m just being overly sensitive. Lastly, I truly hate to think any new mother would be so upset about her beautiful baby being teased about anything and especially over a name that she loved enough to choose for her child. That’s really heartbreaking.”

Thankfully, lots of people rallied around the mum and told that little Lester would be fine. She responded to the comments thanking the teachers in the group who said they didn’t think it would be a problem.

She added: “It’s too late because my son is already three. Yes I know I am slow. My husband did say it means from Leicester. I Googled the name before but nothing came up until just now. I liked Lester Holt so I was okay with the name. I should have known not to trust my husband with any major decisions, we need to work on our communications.”

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