‘I suffered a brain injury – now I know I’m not in love with my husband anymore’

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A woman has admitted to falling out of love with her husband since suffering a brain injury, leaving her questioning if she should leave him now she’s recovered

A woman has told how a brain injury a year ago has led to her falling out of love with her ‘kind, loving’ husband. Admitting she felt disconnected from her own emotions since embarking on her recovery, she said that reliving any memories with him was like: “Watching a movie, rather than my own life.”

After talking with him about her feelings, she said he had guessed she wasn’t in love with him anymore: “He sobbed and begged me not to leave him. It was heartbreaking and I reassured him that I wasn’t going anywhere, I wanted to build up my emotions again and reconnect with my past memories about him.”

She also revealed that the couple had decided to start ‘dating’ again, so she could try to fall back in love with him, however, she also admitted there was a long list of things she was finding it hard to ignore: “He likes taking ugly pictures of me. He complains a lot. He pokes me a lot. He also whines. And he never stops talking.”

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But while the irritations were hard for her to ignore, she told how he had some good points, too: “He’s very attentive and affectionate towards me, he likes to buy me little gifts and he was at my side the entire time – even if he did get kicked out by the nurses for annoying them. I know I can rely on him to be there for me, which is the most important thing.”

And after reconnecting intimately after her accident, she revealed it had helped them form a deeper connection, leading to her starting a journal: “I want to record all of the things I like and love about him.”

After asking Reddit readers for advice, many were on her husband’s side: “It’s scary now many men bail on their partners when there’s a long-term illness that will change the dynamic,” said one, while another agreed, commenting: “I would give him a chance because not everyone can or will be able to cope with this.”

Many were rooting for the couple to fall back in love once more: “I hope you guys can get the old spark back fully. Keep being very open and honest. This guy is definitely a keeper,” said one. “Staying in love is a choice.”

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