Man caught masturbating while peeping at man through toilet cubicle claims Clapham Junction station is ‘cruising hotspot’

By Staff

A man claimed Clapham Junction station’s toilets are a popular cruising destination after he was caught masturbating while peeping into the next cubicle. Jon Walker, 49, of Thurlow Road, Clapham, had already been cautioned twice by police when he was caught pleasuring himself while peering through a hole at his victim in the next stall on November 11 2022.

His claims about the popularity of the South London railway station as a destination for gay men seeking sexual encounters was met with scepticism by Judge Silas Reid, who announced he was an ‘expert’ on the subject with knowledge drawn from dealing with cases of robbery and assault. “Clapham Common is better known,” Judge Reid told the Old Bailey on Wednesday, March 13.

The court heard Walker specifically went to Clapham Junction station and spent around 20 minutes in the public toilet, before a man – who cannot be named for legal reasons – entered the neighbouring stall to ‘urgently’ use its usual function. As the man proceeded with his business, he noticed Walker self-gratifying next door while looking at him through a hole.

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After reporting him to the police, Walker was arrested and charged with an offence of voyeurism. Despite his denials about getting any pleasure from the incident, Walker was convicted after a trial at Inner London Crown Court.

“When he sat down he saw a hole through the cubicle. When he looked through he saw you masturbating and he saw you looking through the hole… You were looking through, and the jury were sure you were doing so for sexual gratification,” said Judge Reid.

Defence counsel Tabitha Everett said her client had since admitted his guilt and was now ‘genuinely sorry’.

“He tells me when he was in the toilet the area he was in, in his view, was renowned for cruising, and he admits now he was cruising and he feels ashamed of that,” Ms Everett said. “He has reflected on the practice of cruising more broadly and now he fully understands it’s not an appropriate practice and he won’t engage in it again.”

While Judge Reid was unconvinced by the cruising story, he reminded Walker ‘that’s not the use of a public toilet’, and had he been caught romping in public he would have found himself in exactly the same position.

The court also heard Walker had previous cautions in 2006 and 2011, which included peeking under a toilet stall. “He knew he should have avoided public toilets for sexual activity,” Judge Reid said.

Judge Reid also reminded Walker the victim could easily have been a child, even if his interest was only adult men. Handing him an 11-month Community Order, with 45 days rehabilitation activity requirement and 40 hours of unpaid work, Judge Reid told Walker: “Whatever you do in future, stay out of public toilets.”

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