Man slammed for ‘scampering’ down plane aisle to get off flight first – but he hits back

By Staff

One man has received heavy backlash and was labelled a ‘jerk’ after ‘scampering’ down to the front of the plane after it had touched down, before a queue had started to form

There’s nothing more annoying than queuing to get off the plane – especially when you’re sitting right at the back.

When the plane touches down, the holiday is officially over – and with it comes a familiar feeling of dread. Everyone just wants to get their bags and get home, but disembarking can sometimes take forever.

However, one man seized the opportunity to get to the front of the plane after it had landed – completely skipping the queue before it had chance to form. His actions have sparked fierce backlash online – but the man has hit back at haters and insists he’s done nothing wrong.

Taking to Reddit last year, the anonymous man argued that he didn’t skip the queue as people had the chance to get up but were not taking the opportunity. He wrote: “I was sat towards the very back of the plane when we landed. People at the front got up to get ready but no one in the middle section got up. I was in the aisle seat and I only had a backpack, so I took the opportunity and walked to the front of the plane to line-up behind the people in the very front.”

He added that when people saw what he was doing, someone told him to wait at the back of the plane like everybody else – but he pretended not to hear his fellow passenger as he had headphones on. “I didn’t respond again but this time there was a lady behind me who said she needed to catch her connecting flight that was already boarding. The guy then said ‘well the rules haven’t changed but if you want to be a jerk go ahead’.”

“The lady who had the connecting flight definitely had a valid reason to “cut” in line, but when was this ever a rule? I don’t think I did anything wrong because everyone who I “skipped” could have gotten up and waited in the aisle.”

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In response, many judged the man for the move and said he acted unreasonably. One person wrote: “What is it with people who stand up the minute the plane comes to a stop. You’re not going anywhere anyway.”

Another stated: “I get up when the plane lands because I get cramps in my legs. But I just stand in my seat and don’t go scampering along the aisle and just wait until I am directed to move along.” While a third penned: “Think about others and what you jumping ahead does to their trip. It’s not just about you and how few bags you have and how fast you can zip your way to a line that isn’t moving anyway.”

Do you think the man was in the wrong? Let us know in the comments section below

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