Men lose an average of 11lbs when they start having an affair

By Staff

A recent study found that men are more likely to gain weight after getting married than women, and losing weight could be a sign of infidelity. A recent survey by married dating site found 72% of men say they have been shedding pounds since embarking on an extramarital affair.

In the first three months of their affairs, love rats lose on average 11 pounds. Anthony from Glasgow, a member of who took part in the survey, said “I first noticed I was putting on weight about a year into my marriage, and it just seemed to spiral from there. Takeaways every other night, and endless evenings sat on the sofa – that’s about as exciting as my marriage got.

“When I started having affairs about two years ago, I knew I had to start taking more pride in my appearance – I wanted to feel good emotionally and physically, and appear more attractive to women. From that moment, I vowed to work out more regularly and be careful with what I was eating.

“If you were to see a photo of me from two years ago, you wouldn’t recognise me. The confidence I’ve gained from having affairs and the push it’s given me to want to take better care of myself is mental. My wife’s obviously noticed the difference, but she just thinks I’m having a mid-life crisis.”

Relationship expert at, Jessica Leoni, said: “It’s no secret that at the beginning of a relationship, we tend to make more of an effort, with a huge emphasis on looking good in the hope of securing a life-long partner. Well, it turns out once you’ve done all that hard work, it could all potentially go downhill.

“Complacency in marriage is a huge catalyst for infidelity – dull routines are a hurdle that many couples will face at some point in long-term relationships. Just because your partner hits the gym religiously and can rock a pair of skinny jeans doesn’t mean they’re on the prowl for a secret rendezvous, but the next time your husband tells you they’re off to work out or starts mysteriously shedding pounds, you might want to start asking some questions.”

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