‘My husband of 20 years is cheating on me with our son’s 18-year-old girlfriend’

By Staff

A woman has been left ‘blindsided’ after discovering her husband of 20 years has been cheating on her with their son’s 18-year-old girlfriend – and she doesn’t know what to do

A stay-at-home mum has told of her ‘horror and heartbreak’ after discovering her husband has been having an illicit affair behind her back. After revealing their 20-year marriage had gone stale for a number of reasons, the 41-year-old mother of two admitted she had ‘aged poorly’ since the couple had first met, however what she discovered on her husband’s phone had been ‘emotionally excruciating’ leaving her in ‘deep disbelief.’

After telling how the couple had a 15-year-old daughter and 18-year-old son she told how her son’s girlfriend had become part of the family since the couple met at high school: “Eric absolutely adores Amy,” she said. “She’s his first love, and someone I have always considered as family.”

However, after inadvertently seeing a text thread on her husband’s phone the week before, she realised she had been naive to what had been happening under her own roof: “I looked at his phone and saw many of their explicit interactions. I also saw a file on his computer filled with BDSM porn and photos of Amy from her Instagram.”

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After admitting she wished she had never looked, she told of her deep heartbreak: “Messages were filled with mean, horrible things said at my expense, with him constantly comparing me to her,” she said, before admitting he had called her ‘fat and old’, among other things: “Amy would be LOL’ing in reply to this,” she said.

And after revealing she had had a hunch her husband was cheating on her for a while, she said she was truly shocked to find out who it was with: “Last month I found a thong in our bedroom that I know wasn’t mine. I turned a blind eye to it, but now I know he’s cheating on me and betraying our son.”

With the discovery leaving her ‘devastated, and paralysed with fear and dread,’ she said that she was left feeling: “Terrified of what kind of psychological blow this will be for our son.”

After sharing her story on Reddit : “Not for sympathy but for advice from those who might have had to grapple with deep betrayal,” she was overwhelmed with the responses she received: “Your parents are supposed to be the people who will never betray you,” said one. “That boy will never look at his dad the same again.” Another agreed, commenting: “It just blows my mind how anyone could have so little regard for their kid.”

“People really don’t understand cheating in general can really mess someone up and how they go about relationships for the rest of their lives,” said another, while one commented: “There are so many things that are just not even remotely close to okay going on in this. I would be concerned about your daughter’s friends (and your daughter) around this man as well.”

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