People are convinced they’ve spotted a ‘time traveller’ in 1917 picnic picture

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A photo from 1917 has sparked claims that time travel is real after a man was spotted in the snap who looks like he’s from the 20th century, with some people convinced he’s a ‘surfer’ from the 2020s

A puzzling photo from 1917 featuring a ‘surfer dude’ has got people scratching their heads and wondering if time travel could be real. The snap, named ‘Last Picnic’, was taken in Canada and shows a group of grown-ups and kids sitting on a hill.

The women are dressed in long skirts and the gents are in smart jackets and bowler hats. But what’s really got everyone talking is a man who looks like he’s just stepped out of the 20th century. He’s easy to spot in his baggy T-shirt and shorts, and with his messy hair.

Some folks have even started calling him the “surfer man”. He seems to have the others in the picture puzzled too. One man is staring at him as if he can’t believe his eyes, and a woman next to him is pointing right at him, reports the Mirror.

YouTuber Jamie D. Grant found the photo in a history book called The Great Cape Scott Story by Lester Ray Peterson, published in 1974. In a video he shared online, he says: “Notice the group, their clothes, their hats. Even how they sit poised for a photo.”

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“Now look closer. His head uncovered, his hair, his shorts. The man on the left stares in disbelief. Has a mysterious traveller proved the impossible and journey through time? What do you think? “. People watching the video shared their thoughts. One person said: “I looked through this book as a small child and noticed this picture; not only is it real; but at the time I just felt his clothes were a little ahead for being in this picture. It still gives me the chills.”

Another person commented: “The guy looks like he was caught off guard in the picture. He definitely looks like he’s from another time period. Cool video.” But some people weren’t so sure about the idea.

A report by mentioned someone on talking about an article from the Post Gazette. They wrote: “In the comments to the article, someone mentioned that t-shirts were around then and that they made it into the common lexicon soon after that date it appeared in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in the 1920s.”

They also said: “Considering that other guys in the picture are also wearing shorts, I’m going to say that he’s not a time traveller. Other than Bill and Ted, what time travellers would think that a t-shirt and shorts would be the best thing to wear when time-travelling into the past anyway? “.

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