Popular sleeping position could be reason behind your lack of shut eye

By Staff

As more than 50% of UK adults are not getting enough shut-eye, Dr. Tony Nalda has urged Brits to avoid one sleeping position as it can affect quality of rest and leave you with various health problems

Around 16 percent of Brits are stomach sleepers, but one doctor has warned that the prone position could pose various health consequences.

Resting on your front may feel comfortable at the time, but turning your head to one side can lead to muscle tightness and inflammation. Sleeping on your stomach flattens the natural curve of your spine, which can cause lower back pain, explained Dr. Tony Nalda.

The expert, from the Scoliosis Reduction Center, added: “If you already have neck and back problems, sleeping in this position is almost guaranteed to make them worse.” The popular position can also disrupt your quality of sleep, as it causes lower oxygen intake.

“Front sleeping can make it harder to breathe deeply because the position compresses your diaphragm,” Dr Nalda continued. This comes as around 51 percent of UK adults are not getting enough sleep, while one in three struggle with insomnia.

What’s more, the position also puts extra pressure on the spine, which could potentially strain the vertebrae and surrounding muscles. The expert pointed out that stomach snoozing can make your body work more, including your heart. He said: “By pressing on your chest, you make it harder for blood to circulate.

“Over time, this increases the risk of cardio issues, especially if you already have problems. If you struggle to breathe deeply, it can lead to higher blood pressure.”

It also forces the neck into a twisted position, which can lead to migraines, tension headaches, and other neurological issues. The unnatural angle can also pinch nerves, leading to discomfort, numbness, or tingling in the arms and hands.

Dr. Nalda hailed back sleeping as the “best” as it maintains the natural curve of the spine and minimises pressure on the joints. Meanwhile, research has suggested that side sleeping can improve heart health and reduce snoring.

He added: “A body pillow can provide extra support for the back or side position, and discourage rolling onto your stomach. Choose a mattress and pillow that provide the right level of support for your chosen position.”

According to Healthline, the fetal position can support lower back pain and pregnancy, whilst also reducing snoring. It is branded the most popular choice, and involves sleeping on your side with bent legs curled in toward your body.

The health site highlighted the importance of sleeping in a loose fetal posture, as you could be left with joint pain or stiffness. A tight posture can also limit deep breathing, which is essential for sleep-inducing melatonin production and relaxation.

Keeping your legs relatively extended and sleeping with a pillow between your knees can also help to make this resting position more comfortable, explained Healthline.

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