Prince William has ‘a lot to say’ as Kate’s ‘reputation gets shredded like Diana’s’ – expert

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A royal expert has claimed that Prince William has a ‘lot to say’ about the weeks of wild conspiracy theories about his wife Kate, which has seen her ‘reputation shredded’ much like his late mother Diana

Princess Kate has been subject to a frenzied level of speculation in recent weeks as she recovers from abdominal surgery. And Prince William has struggled with the conspiracy mania, a royal expert has claimed.

Things reached a fever pitch when a photo released by the palace for Mother’s Day was withdrawn by news agencies on the grounds of suspected “manipulation” – and what had mostly been contained online broke through into the mainstream.

Rebecca English stated the Prince of Wales has “a lot to say” in response to the weeks of cruel conspiracies and rumours about his wife, which has seen her “reputation shredded” much like Princess Diana’s once was.

The royal correspondent claimed that according to insiders, William, Kate and their team are not planning on reacting publicly to the myriad of conspiracy theories about their family, but the Prince of Wales may address it in the future.

“For now the prince and his team are not minded to publicly react to what they describe as ‘the madness’, and feel their actions should do the talking. That said, I’m told they have not entirely ruled out making some kind of public statement in the coming weeks, ahead of Catherine’s return to public duties,” she wrote in the Daily Mail.

“There is much William would like to say. It has been tough for him to stand by and see his wife’s reputation shredded by the court of public opinion in the way his late mother’s once was.”

The expert also noted that the speculation, combined with the stress of his father, King Charles’, cancer diagnosis and estrangement from his younger brother Prince Harry, means that William is facing a lot of challenges all at once.

English wrote: “I know he is angry, frustrated and, yes, deeply disappointed, at what has transpired over recent weeks. ‘When will it all stop?’ he is said to have asked. William has worked hard over the years to ring-fence his family and protect them from the worst excesses of public scrutiny.”

However, recent weeks have shown the future King that his efforts to control intrusion can’t be extended to social media networks, the expert said.

Kensington Palace has been contacted for comment.

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