Stacey Solomon’s Sort Your Life Out tip to banish mouldy grout with homemade ‘paste’

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Stacey Solomon has shared her simple hack for lifting stubborn bathroom grout in a recent episode of Sort Your Life Out on BBC One – and it only requires two cleaning cupboard essentials

Stacey Solomon has revealed a nifty trick for removing stubborn bathroom grout in the latest episode of Sort Your Life Out on BBC One.

This week, the TV icon travelled to Ashton-under-Lyne in Manchester to help the Mistry family declutter their home and make the most out of their space. Parents Nila and Nat have lived in their home for the past 30-years, where they raised their three children Jai, Roshni, and Henna.

Jai said: “The only way I can describe the house is disorganised chaos.” Nila added: “The house is a mess because we hang onto things. We have gone through a lot in the last 35 years.” The couple both moved to the UK as children, which they described as “hard” as they both arrived with “nothing”.

As the trusty team got to work on the clutter, cleaning expert Iwan Carrington tackled the mouldy grout lining the bathroom walls and tiles. The household guru combined bicarbonate of soda and Hydrogen Peroxide in a bowl to create a cement-like mixture.

Bicarbonate of soda is often hailed as a cleaning cupboard staple, because its gentle abrasive properties help to eliminate tough stains and grime, without causing damage. Hydrogen Peroxide is made up of hydrogen and oxygen molecules, which effectively lifts mould from clothing, walls and wood.

As the product is a bleaching agent, chemical resistant gloves and safety precautions are advised when handling. Once Iwan had finished mixing the contents, he said: “What I like to do is put my rubber gloves on and apply directly onto the grout with the paste.”

He then left the mixture to sit on the mould for 10-minutes, before scrubbing the paste away with an electric appliance. While this tool isn’t essential, it is recommended that you wear eye production as the mixture can splatter.

Iwan then pointed out that the mould had effectively lifted from the tiles, adding: “Look at that difference.” Bicarbonate of soda can be bagged for 65p from Aldi, while shoppers can purchase Hydrogen Peroxide for £4.59 from Amazon.

Turning his attention to the kitchen, the expert targeted the scratch marks on the dinner plates caused by cutlery. He said: “To get rid of these, I like to use this powdered cleanser. It works really nicely on stainless steel and ceramic plates.”

Iwan then poured some warm water on the dish, before applying the powder and rubbing the scratches with a microfibre cloth. “You’ll see those scratch marks just disappear, it’s like magic,” he concluded.

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