Tenerife told to get rid of UK tourists wearing popular item on beach as tensions escalate

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Local celebrity Ainhoa Arteta has called on more “cultural” tourists to become the norm in the holiday destinations – after locals called for a better class of holidaymaker

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Tensions are rising as UK tourists in Spain, particularly those sporting ‘flip flops’, come under fire.

Opera star Ainhoa Arteta has spoken out amidst protests against British holidaymakers by locals. Arteta is pleading for a shift towards more “cultural” tourism following complaints from locals about the current class of visitors.

After being asked whether opera in her homeland is in a healthy state, the Basque-born 59-year-old told the Majorcan daily Diario de Mallorca: “Not at all. Spain is a cainite country, it’s not a country that helps its singers and musicians.

“And it’s a shame because we have truly talented singers. If this country exploited its cultural-historical patrimony and accompanied it in all our theatres and auditoriums with ambitious programmes, we would attract cultural and not flip-flop tourism.”

Ms Arteta said: “The Ministry of Tourism and Culture should act together and we should be conscious there’s culture around the country, not just in two cities.”

In the past, Brits visiting the Canary Islands have faced backlash from locals for indulging in cheap booze and low-quality grub. Specific reference to flip flops relates to Article 17 of Spain’s General Traffic Regulations which state that “drivers must be in a position to control their vehicles at all times”.

The Guardia Civil clarified, “It is not specifically forbidden to drive with flip-flops, but you can be penalised for not being able to maintain freedom of movement to control the pedals well.” For several months now, there have been growing calls for a more discerning classification of tourist in Tenerife, BirminghamLive reported.

School teacher Zarita Chinea, 39, told MailOnline earlier this year: “It’s like there are two worlds in Tenerife, the tourists and the locals, and we don’t mix. If I was in power I would try to reduce the number of holidaymakers – there have been so many more in the past year and it is noticeable. I also think we need better quality tourists, who respect our land and nature, who want to explore the real Tenerife and go hiking for example.”

However, president Fernando Clavijo expressed his concerns: “We are worried because tourism is our main source of income and I think that whoever comes here to enjoy, to spend a few days and to leave their money in the Canary Islands, shouldn’t be rebuked or face insults. We can talk and analyse things to try to improve them but what we can’t do is attack our principal source of income and wealth because it would be totally irresponsible – what we need here is common sense and tranquility. Never should there be attacks on an economic activity that puts food on the plate of most people living in the Canary Islands.”

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