The reason Prince Harry is being excluded from King Charles’ succession talks

By Staff

Prince Harry is being left out of future plans for the Royal Family by his father, King Charles, due to trust issues, according to a Royal expert. The Duke of Sussex isn’t included in the monarch’s future plans, with his older brother Prince William playing a key role instead.

Tom Quinn, a Royal expert and author, told The Mirror that the Prince of Wales is “at the heart of the succession planning”, but Harry has been excluded because “no one trusts Harry”. Since Harry and Meghan Markle stepped down as senior working royals in January 2020, Quinn thinks they’ve been intentionally left out of the succession plans as they’re no longer part of the monarchy’s inner circle.

He said: “Harry is definitely not being included in succession talks because he is no longer a working or even a trusted royal – he has got his wish and is no longer the spare, or at least he is only nominally the spare. This may well be a case of ‘beware you get what you wish for!’.”

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Quinn mentioned that Prince William is now a big part of the Royal family’s future plans. This is because his dad, King Charles, got sick with cancer in February.

Charles has started getting better at their home in Sandringham, Norfolk, but he wants to make sure everything is ready for what comes next. “Officials had assumed Charles would remain healthy at least into his mid-eighties before succession planning would need to begin but in fact it has now begun and indicates perhaps that Charles’ cancer is more dangerous than we have been led to believe,” Quinn said.

The plans for who will be king or queen next are very private. Quinn added: “Succession planning is highly secret and no one trusts Harry to be part of it for the simple reason that if he feels in any way slighted or not given what he feels he deserves he will run straight to the media.”

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