Thousands of British women may be owed up to £3k over DWP changes they weren’t properly warned about

By Staff

Thousands of women could be owed up to £2,950 in compensation over changes to the State Pension made by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) without proper warning. The DWP changed the age at which women can draw their State Pension, in a move designed to align the age with that of men.

But while the move had been long planned, the Government decided to ‘speed things up’ by bringing the date forward by two years, however the DWP did not properly inform those affected. The pension age changed for women from 60 to 65, and this was supposed to happen gradually between 2010 and 2020.

But the final date was brought forward to 2018, so those planning to retire between 2018 and 2020 had their plans thrown into chaos. A new report by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) recommends that they should receive compensation of between £1,000 and £2,950.

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“The DWP has not acknowledged its failings nor put things right for those women affected”, the PHSO says. A huge campaign represented by the Women Against State Pension Inequality Campaign (WASPI) has been battling for justice for up to 3.8 million.

WASPI says people were severely disadvantaged by changes to the pension age that they weren’t aware of. The PHSO said it has proactively asked Parliament to intervene and hold the DWP to account. The judgement said: “Because of what DWP has told us during this investigation, we have reason to believe it will not take steps to put things right. Complainants have also told us they doubt DWP’s ability or intent to put things right.

“Given the urgent need for justice, we are presenting our report to Parliament. We are asking Parliament to intervene and identify a way to provide appropriate remedy. We think this will be the quickest way to put things right.”

PHSO’s chief executive, Rebecca Hilsenrath said: “The UK’s national ombudsman has made a finding of failings by the Department for Work and Pensions in this case and has ruled that the women affected are owed compensation. DWP has clearly indicated that it will refuse to comply. This is unacceptable. The department must do the right thing and it must be held to account for failure to do so.

“Complainants should not have to wait and see whether DWP will take action to rectify its failings. Given the significant concerns we have that it will fail to act on our findings and given the need to make things right for the affected women as soon as possible, we have proactively asked Parliament to intervene and hold the department to account.

“Parliament now needs to act swiftly and make sure a compensation scheme is established. We think this will provide women with the quickest route to remedy.”

WASPI chairwoman Angela Madden has responded to the report findings live on the BBC’s Nicky Campbell show. She says: “They seem to have got some of it right.”

Madden adds: “I’m appalled the Department of Work and Pensions just don’t accept they have done something wrong. It’s disrespectful to all the women.” She added that she is ‘pleased Parliament are being given a chance to discuss this properly’.

Madden tells the BBC WASPI women are not asking for a change or reversal in legislation. “We are asking for fair compensation for the injustices we suffered.”

The 1995 Pensions Act and subsequent legislation raised the state pension age for women born on or after April 6 1950. The ombudsman investigated complaints that, since 1995, the DWP has failed to provide accurate, adequate and timely information about areas of state pension reform. The ombudsman published stage one of its investigation in July 2021. It found failings in the way DWP communicated changes to women’s state pension age.

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