24 Hours in Police Custody: What happened to vile pedophile Bruce Davison after horrific crimes in 1970s

By Staff

24 Hours In Police Custody returns to Channel 4 on Tuesday evening (April 2) with the show revisiting a shocking episode from June 2017. During the fly-on-the-wall documentary, a person reports historical sex abuse from 40 years ago to Bedfordshire Police.

The horrific crimes dated back to the 1970s, and it took decades for the brave man to come forward and speak out against Bruce Davison. The abuse took place from the time the boy was 7 years old, up until the age of 13, and in numerous locations.

Bruce Davison, 76, is arrested and has to account for his behaviour as detectives conduct interviews and try to gain evidence. In the programme, the victim explains how his life has been ruined after being abused as a child by “trusted” adult Davison.

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While the OAP is being quizzed over his crimes behind closed doors, his wife shows up at Bedfordshire Station to ask officers what was happening. As footage flips to CCTV of the waiting room, the elderly woman can be heard wailing: “What’s going on?”

DC Ellis brings the woman into the room, speaking gently to her. She can be heard saying: “A complaint has been made to the police, by someone who’s known to you. That your husband has historically sexually abused them.

“The reason for the arrest is to allow your husband the opportunity to give his version of events, his account as to what did or didn’t happen”. The wife can be heard sobbing and saying “oh god” as the top cop explains what’s happening.

During his police interview, Davison denied the allegation of historic sexual abuse with a minor.

What happened to Bruce Davison?

Davison pleaded guilty to two counts of sexually assaulting a minor. He was sentenced to six years in prison.

In October 2016, Davison was convicted of targeting, grooming and sexually abusing a child. In a statement read to Luton Crown Court, the victim described how the monster had destroyed his life: “I thought [it] was the norm, I didn’t know any better… I trusted him.

“I thought he was my friend, but he abused my trust by taking advantage of me, my young age, my vulnerability, and took my innocence. I feel robbed of my childhood and robbed by Davison, he took away my dignity and self-respect as a child and even as a teenager, because his abuse of me spanned so many years.”

Praising the victim’s strength and courage in coming forward, Bedfordshire Police’s Detective Constable Sharon Ellis said: “I hope this sentence allows him to move forward with his life.

“The sentencing for non-recent cases of abuse such as this shows that it does not matter how long ago abuse took place, if you do come forward then you will be treated fairly, you will be believed, and justice can be done.”

Another victim came forward after seeing the 24 Hours in Police Custody episode. Davison was found guilty of these offences against a minor and sentenced to a further 15 months.

24 Hours in Police Custody airs on Tuesday, April 2, at 10pm on Channel 4 and is available to stream on Channel4.com.

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